Good product design based on our capabilities and tooling will reduce prototype and production costs.
Our skilled engineers and programmers can design for 2D and 3D and help you conceptualise and develop any number of projects.
Our expert staff operate two dedicated tube measuring centres that can scan degree of bend, rotation and distance between bends to four decimal points. Our GTube software compensates for springback, elongation, stretch and pre-cut requirements.
Our Bysoft 7 programming and production software is state of the art and fully compatible with 3D software like Soildworks and Inventor.
Good product design based on our capabilities and tooling will reduce prototype and production costs. We have 2D and 3D design capabilities.
Our Bysoft 7 software will take your 3D model, flatten it out, process it for laser cutting and folding to your specifications -
all at the click of the mouse...
Our ROMER arm can measure the X, Y, Z coordinates of your sample or prototype, enabling the finished parts to be checked accurately against specifications.
Scanning with our ROMER also enables a completely intergrated data-to-bend process for your next project.
Our highly skilled team have been manufacturing and assembling products for the New Zealand and world market since 1976.
After the cutting, bending and folding processes our dedicated team can assemble, weld and QA your sub-assemblies or finished product.
Let us quote to cut tube, pipe, RHS or angle on our Soco CNC cutting centre, one of our ten cold saws or our Scotchman punch and shear.
After 30 years of end forming complex shapes for exhausts, we have a massive range of dies to suit several machines. Using our FL170 Tube Laser, we can cut tube ends for a wide variety of industries too.